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Old July 26, 2018   #414
Join Date: Jun 2013
Location: Wasilla Alaska
Posts: 2,010

Originally Posted by platar View Post
@Carolyn;@AKmark ty!
Yes oviously I meant 2.5lbs
AKmark I`ll try next season, was considering about doing it this year but I had very bad start of the season.I bought a different type of potting soil as previous years and almost screw it up, because it was not draining properly and before I realized it 3 weeks vent by...The seedlings set their first true leaves and then completly stopped growing when I finaly realized whats wrong and that it is time for repotting them in trusted soil Luckily I saved all of them.
How many do you suggest to leave on the vine? One or two? The variety if left byitself with one main stem has about 10 of them all over half a kilo big. They start very slow and after a month and a few weeks later they suddenly explode.
I fertilize them with our rabbit poo, which is put on the pile to compost over winter (the red worms absolutely love it) and later I add a little guano and fermented comfrey tea from the side of the garden. I also found out that they love Epsom Salt, the leaves become dark green and they rippen completely with no green or pale shoulders.
I would prune to one, preferably a fused bloom.
We should see some very large tomatoes come across this page soon, so stay tuned.

Good luck
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