Thread: Weather
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Old August 3, 2018   #2392
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: SE PA
Posts: 972

It has been day after day after day of rain here. It's the typical temp and mugginess for early August, 85f/ 85%RH or thereabouts, but the rain is exceptional. The tomatoes are taking it surprisingly well, though, and while there are some splits on the bottoms, it's not too bad at all in the raised rows. The first Big Beefs in that florida weave row were picked on 7/29, only a couple or three days ahead of my backyard garden cages of OR117 and Cherokee Purple weave. I thought OR117 was a much later tomato than Big Beef, but not this year.

The broccoli seemed to love this wet weather and grew into the walkways at my comm garden plot, but it was down to very small heads, so I cut that off yesterday. I needed to open that space to pick Okra in the next row, and to get the peas started. I put fall peas in place of the broccoli today; I'll have no worry about them germinating this time! It poured six tenths today while I was at the garden re-working those rows. The dog and I got soaked before jumping in the truck cab and waiting it out.
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