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Old August 9, 2018   #8
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Spanish Roja is a great garlic but it doesn't meet your criterion of long storage. They don't last as long as my porcelains, and the purple stripes seem to keep the longest.

Afaik Polish hardneck is a porcelain, that means "4-6" cloves. I'm only getting 4 cloves from most of my porcelain, and maybe it's growing conditions I don't know. Argentina was a robust, mostly six clove garlic when we got it but I don't think I had any more than five, and that's just the occasional one, nearly all are four. I must check how the farm stock is holding up re number of cloves. The reality though, IMO for a porcelain you can only count on four cloves most of the time, and that means replanting 1/4 of your stock. Someone may correct me if I'm wrong, maybe some varieties are consistently sixes but I just haven't seen it.

Metechi and your Turkish are both marbled purple stripes, which means they should have a few more cloves. They both sound good and tasty and good keepers, from what the sellers say.

If your supplier has both, ask him what the average number of cloves are for each of them, and if I were you, I'd take the one with more cloves, and use less of your harvest to replant.
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