Thread: Hearts
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Old August 13, 2018   #10
velikipop's Avatar
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Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post
In your picture I'm assuming that the left lower one, which is pink is Fish Lake,the other two being red as they should be.

What was your source for Fish Lake seeds since it can be either pink or red. It flip flops and apparently has a mind of its own.

Since the two versions taste the same I don't care.Original seeds from Neil G in Ontario, Canada.

My source was Victory seeds and it is a pink. I have grown it several times and was never impressed with the production, but decided to give it another chance this year. This was the first time that it produced some decent sized fruit, but, unfortunately it quit growing in late June.

There is a heart you might be interested in. Last year I grew Heshpole beside a Russian Purple. The Heshpole plant produced purple hearts. I am assuming there was cross fertilization. I grew it out this year and it produced purple hearts again.
I am thinking of offering seeds but I am not sure that it is a genuine cross. If there was cross fertilization would it affect the all the fruit or just a few. I am considering the possibility that I made some error, buy then I did not grow any purple hearts last year. Any thoughts?

I'll plant and I'll harvest what the earth brings forth
The hammer's on the table, the pitchfork's on the shelf

Bob Dylan
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