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Old August 16, 2018   #33
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: virginia
Posts: 733

Originally Posted by Worth1 View Post
I heard on the radio about this stuff and how it can be detected in the urine of children and others.
From eating products like cheerios and so on..
Have no idea of the validity of the information.
It wasn't NPR or some predominately left wing station I heard this on.
It said the person in question did this for 20 years for a school district and was doused in it several times due to sprayer malfunctions.
BAYER now owns Monsanto and they are the same good people that brought us Zyklon B in a way by way of IG Farben and good old Heroin.

If the corporate word doesn't care about putting thousands if not millions in the poor house by sending labor to China and other third world countries what makes anyone think they would give a hoot about anyone.

The EPA, OSHA, Unions, living wadges, compliance and greed has killed jobs in America and in Europe with what ever laws they have.
We want it cheap and we want it now regardless of how many poor slobs it kills some place else.

You must mean studies like these one of which was done by our own corrupt FDA

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which is quietly starting to test certain foods for residues of a weed killing chemical linked to cancer, has found the residues in a variety of oat products, including plain and flavored oat cereals for babies.
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