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Old September 9, 2018   #56
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Omaha Zone 5
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Bumping this thread for any new opinions on sellers or sources. I purchased a limited amount of new seed garlic last year and wished I had started more as it was a great year. I ran out of eating garlic before this year's garlic was ready so I would like to try the dice and freeze mentioned here, but I need to purchase quite a bit more as extras.

I was not pleased with the size of a Nebraska source that I had mailed to me. The bulbs fit easily in the cup of an egg carton. I did get nice bulbs in a local store that were grown by Keene Organics in Wisconsin. No hesitation to order from them but they are sold out of a few varieties.

When you buy from a large company like High Mowing / Johnny's / Burpee, etc. how do you know where the bulbs were grown? Obviously a midwestern grown garlic would be preferred over a milder climate for me.

- Lisa

Last edited by greenthumbomaha; September 9, 2018 at 11:55 PM.
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