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Old September 14, 2018   #9
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Plantation, Florida zone 10
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Originally Posted by agee12 View Post
Thanks for the responses. I was hoping that I can add daconil to the mix because I found myself being reactive when it comes to fungal treatment. I guess I will have to be more vigilant.

I know neem has anti-fungal properties, and maybe I should be using a higher dose but neem has been effective especially on my cucumbers, although I also won't rule out that it was human error on my part like not treating frequently enough or not using the right concentration.

My homemade pest treatment has worked for me for the past few seasons and if I've had issues then I assumed that it was error on my part. I have sevin powder but I don't want that to be my regular treatment because I have a pollinator plants nearby.

Is there a pollinator friendly pesticide that you recommend? I will use it to treat the vegetables but not the flowers but since the flowers are close by I prefer to do a spray treatment and not dust, although I do use DE.
I understand. I suggest to try liquid copper as your antifungal. It's what the organic farmers use because it's effective against fungi, and also bacteria, won't kill caterpillars , has residual effect, and is very strong. I always use 1/2 of the weakest recommended strength and its highly effective, on cucumbers too. You can mix it too.I like the Southern Ag brand, I get it at HD.
Daconil is a preventive, copper is both preventive and for control.
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