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Old September 14, 2018   #85
PureHarvest's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Mid-Atlantic right on the line of Zone 7a and 7b
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Will be starting the 2019 thread soon.
Got 320 pounds of seed bulbs on hand.
Moving my stock into my walk-in with a small dehumidifier saved my butt big time.
Mold kept trying to grow on my cleaned bulbs where they were being stored on my racks in my drying trailer. My climate is just too humid to store bulbs in a non-climate controlled unit. I lost 25% of my stuff to mold last year and moved the rest into the house where the temp was around 65 with 40% humidity and the bulbs completely dried out and shriveled.
It stunk having to buy all new seed bulbs last year.
My walk-in is locked in at 55 degrees and 50% humidity and the bulbs are perfect in all respects. They've been in there since the beginning of August.
Got my tarps in place to get the grass killed off before tilling/bed prep for this fall:
Tarp 9-13-2018.jpg

Pano 9-13-2018.jpg

Last edited by PureHarvest; September 14, 2018 at 10:57 AM.
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