Thread: Container Size
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Old September 26, 2018   #14
TomatoDon's Avatar
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My main objective is to have tomatoes at least two weeks earlier than everyone else. If I could accomplish this be starting them in a 1 or 2 gallon container and setting them out with minimal, or no, transplant shock, that would suit me fine.

Every early spring I over-pay and buy a $12 - $15 large Better Boy that has baby tomatoes. It has a plastic cage and looks like it's in about a 2 gallon container. But when they are transplanted, they seem to just sit there for 10-14 days before they take off and start thriving and growing again.

If any of you have some good ideas about getting a head start this way, and then putting them in the ground after the chance of frost has passed, please give me your ideas.

Zone 7B, N. MS
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