Thread: Figs
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Old October 21, 2018   #79
Rajun Gardener
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That's good info Imp.

MuddyBuckets, you didn't get fruit this year because it's all new growth and usually figs are on last years growth.

From the article= "Figs are produced each active growth season on "old wood" (branches produced the previous season). So, to produce more fruit in future seasons you need to produce more branches.
TIP: When pruning a fig tree, always keep in mind that if you cut back too much you will not have fruit that year or maybe even the next. Take your time and don't over prune. This being said, over pruning will very rarely harm a fig tree."

I would let it recover and it should produce. I also fertilize my trees twice a year with triple 13 sprinkled around the tree line in Spring and Fall.
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