Thread: Indoor Grow
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Old November 17, 2018   #36
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Not to sidetrack the thread too much, but I started work on my aphid purge today - what a terrible mess! Not to mention the carrot tops, the container soil itself literally covered in aphids, and they were not immobile either at 40 F. Both winged and walkers.

I tried several methods to put them down before handling stuff (worst thing that could happen is to bring live ones perched on me into the house). First I tried hot water drench (140 F tap water). That may have killed a few, but the warmth actually did speed up the activity level afaict... Tried hot soap spray then and if it killed any I couldn't tell, they seemed to be more active too.
So heat (at least, tap hot) was a bust for killing. And soap did little or nothing, whether hot or cold. I went online and read that vinegar (diluted 1:3) could be sprayed or baking soda sprinkled on them... Decided to try baking soda since the soil is doubtless acid enough.
Well, baking soda sprinkled on was the most effective thing. Even a light dusting (no gear, just rubbing it between my hands) seemed to stop them in their tracks.. and they were making tracks! Major exodus from the tub within a few minutes of removing those carrot greens.
They seemed to be most interested in chasing everything carrot. I hope so.

I was planning on using that container soil for several purposes including cycling some in for my greens, but I'm worried about bring them in. I read that their eggs are laid on browning foliage, not in the soil? Not sure...

Anyway - baking soda for aphids.

Will take another look at that when I finish up tomorrow morning.
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