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Old November 23, 2018   #3
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Kansas 5b
Posts: 198

I've not seen a display like that before either. I'm not sure if I would call it "SSE seed". My guess would be (based on the varieties pictured and how retail works) that SSE is licensing their brand rather than packaging their own seed. It would let them generate revenue from casual gardeners and encourage membership by more serious growers who want the rarer varieties they can't get "off the rack".

I don't think SSE is suffering because of anything they're doing wrong. It's just that they're dealing with a generation (or several generations) of people who are happiest with their food when it involves the least amonnt of effort. GrubHub and Doritos are convenient. They leave time for Instagram and Facebook so people can discuss TV shows and rant about how bad their day was.

Given that I didn't see a single honeybee all year I'm skeptical about the future of agriculture, never mind SSE.
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