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Old January 13, 2019   #43
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: In the snowy desert of SE Idaho
Posts: 111

I definitely agree with what others have said about individual tastes as well as growing conditions. I have a friend across town that is a tomato fanatic like me and does tomato tasting events every year. With both of us growing from 50-100+ varieties each year, we always have a few varieties that we both grow in the same year and when we taste the same variety at the same time from her garden and from mine they taste like two different varieties. It has been very interesting to taste the (sometimes considerable) difference between our tomatoes.
ALso, it rarely fails that when there is a variety I've grown that I think is just bland, almost a 'spitter', that will be my mom's favorite variety that year. AND VICE VERSA! It is hilarious, and makes paring down the favorites almost impossible!
That being said, there are two varieties that stand out in my mind as being the favorites in my garden and at the tomato tasting every year they are grown and those are:
1. Ananas Noir
2. Limbaugh's Legacy aka Fred Limbaugh's Pink Potato Top

Never had a bad one from either of those. There are many others I've tried and loved, including Lucid Gem, Arbuznyi, Large Barred Boar, Kellogg's Breakfast, Thomesol White, Russian Queen and several different dwarfs and cherries, but none have had as many trials to know whether they will be consistent favoritesl yet.
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