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Old January 25, 2019   #19
Tormato's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Tropicalgrower View Post
I really like Gold Rush for my summer squash.

Tormato:if you happen by,I'd really enjoy your take on the Rugosa Friulana that you like so well.

I could use a suggestion for a winter squash if no one would mind.I've been trying to decide on a good winter type for this upcoming season.I read a post from Fred Hempel who mentioned Blue Kuri being a good winter squash.I may have to think about that one,but as with most things,I am open to suggestions.


Choosing a single variety winter squash depends on how you're going to use it.

If you're going to add flavor, like butter, maple syrup, brown sugar, cinnamon, garlic, ginger, etc... then many of the butternut (moschata) types will do. The added bonus is that the butternut squashes are vine borer resistant, they store well, the skin is thin for easy peeling, and the neck is thick solid flesh, for very easy processing.

If adding nothing, or next to nothing, the maxima types generally have better flavor, and are generally firmer and dryer, so can be used in cooking where the moschatas might get mushy.

Size can be a factor, too. Some grow huge, and if you're not using it all at once, or freezing it, most of your work will have been growing compost.

So, I first recommend that you decide how you're going to use winter squash before you decide on which variety or varieties.

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