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Old September 6, 2007   #19
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Den of Drunken Fools
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From what I have read it is not activated charcoal but just plain old charcoal.
I have read that it holds nutrients for about 40 years.
I can’t believe that my self.

Maybe it helps loosen the clay type soils so plants can grow better in it.
Nobody knows for sure but from what I have seen it works.
What I am going to do is make a mixture of clay charcoal compost and manure and see what happens.
Then I will just add manure to the soil on some undecided time scale.

This will all go into some of the Incan terraces I am building along with irrigation canals.
I have a lot of water go to waste around the house from rain and I plan on conserving it.

I’m not trying to reinvent the wheel I just want an alternative to chemical fertilizers.
And of course think and do things in an odd ball way as some of you guys already know.

I also want my place to be a beautiful ¾ acre garden type park with all of the romance of an Incan village with flat stones walkways and the works.
Maybe even a small place in the back where I can sacrifice the worthless coyotes I have around here.
((((((((((((((((((((((To the tomato gods!)))))))))))))))

A place for my type of research, where there will be plenty of failure and some success.
I love failure it helps me learn.
I have a lot of time on my hands every month and am lucky to have it, ‘most don’t.


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