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Old September 7, 2007   #41
Full Moon
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Location: Montréal, Canada
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Ray here's one thread that talks about KBX:
There's a picture on the second page.

We should let Eden know about the mistake. We know the real name but I'm pretty sure alot of people wouldn't have a clue.

Palerider, I'm glad to hear you're growing them as well. We'll have to compare notes. Are your seedlings up yet?

Cosmic, I've read about the little buggers ransacking your tresor box. I think I would of cried. But happy to hear that the Seed Queen came to the rescue
Btw I went onto you blog and cannot find the moon calendar. What section is it under?

It's potting up day for the tommies. Now I just need to figure out where everything is going to go. I got out of the eggies thread quickly yesterday as I could hear myself say...maybe...just one more...I'm sure you know what I'm talking about
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