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Old April 11, 2019   #6
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Well, I have come to the conclusion that I had a bad bag of MG Seed Starting Mix. The only thing different now is that I have my seedlings in Jiffy Mix and they don't smell like sewage. I don't know of another logical possibility. I haven't done anything different in how I'm doing things. Where I got no germination or dying seedlings, I now have extraordinary germination and no dying seedlings.

My processes have always been to use enough water to get the mix nicely damp. Then I drain anything left in the tray and let it sit overnight to stabilize. Then seeds are sewn the next day and the top medium is kept damp by a spray bottle that will mist the top 1/16 inch of the contents maybe twice a day as needed. This keeps the top layer from making the little seedlings have to push so hard to get to the lights.

Yes, I've used a heat mat for the last 4 years. This is the only problem I've had with plants dying. Yes, I've killed a few each year, but those have died from "mechanical" missteps by me. I'm hanging this one firmly on bad mix products. I see that MG has a new "Organic Golden" series of products. Maybe that has taken their attention away from maintaining quality in its lesser priced products. I haven't seen prices on those new ones, but I can guess.

I think I'll stick with Jiffy plugs. They come to me without any moisture in them and that puts me in control. If I have a problem now, I know that it's my fault. I will not purchase or use any more MG products that have mix or soil in the bag. I like their fertilizer for tomatoes, but the rest of their stuff is no longer on my shopping list.

"Quoth the Muddy Bucket garden bird, NEVERMORE !!!"

I will not trust them again.
Owner & Sole Operator Of
The Muddy Bucket Farm
and Tomato Ranch

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