Thread: Garlic 2019
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Old May 17, 2019   #17
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Location: Newfoundland, Canada
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What a beautiful sight! I love what you're doing with the mustard. Is there any risk they will set seed after being cut down in flower?

I still think you should get some bio-fumigant benefits if you tarp over or till the mustard beds after garlic harvest. Will be interested to see how long it takes for them to produce more flowers after the cutting.

Your turbans should be ready well before the others, according to what I've read about them.

"The time to check their bulb size and get ready to start harvesting them is in mid-spring before their leaves fall over and they lose all their bulb wrappers, as they will if they stay in the ground for very long after they are ready to be harvested."..."The secret to success in growing great Asiatic and Turban is to dig down and watch the bulbs develop and when they get big enough to suit you, go ahead and dig them up, don't wait for them to fall over."

Chesnok Red is at least a week later than Music, for me. Don't know how your warmer climate might play into that, but Henry told me that Chesnok and Persian Star put on most of their size in the last week before harvest. I would leave them two weeks from Music if I could, but we're already turning wet and cool by that time, and I can't take the anxiety, so I dig too early and never grow them as big as they could be. Did your Chesnok scapes come later as well? Mine are always a week behind, at least.

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