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Old May 18, 2019   #11
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: 6a - NE Tennessee
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Jhouse, several years ago, I was about to have a hard freeze on the plants I had set out only 5 days before. I didn't feel like I could dig them up, so looking at my "ONE ROW" at that time, an idea hit me. I had a 15' X 30' tarp. I set up a clothesline over them and put the tarp over that. It made a nice tent. I closed off the ends and then placed two 100 watt light bulbs inside. The temp went down to 25F. But that little bit of heat from two light bulbs kept the frost away from the plants.

It occurred to me that you could use a good tarp to protect your seedlings and still keep them outside. You would have to attend to them a bit more, but you have to decide if they're worth it. I always put high value on the work I do, so my decision wouldn't be difficult at all. In fact, I would probably do the work just to save them, and be happy I had a newly learned tool that I could use in the future. A tarp set up like a simple tent can also break up torrential rain and small hail. Even a cover of rabbit cage wire (1/4") can hold off small hail.

Hope I've inspired some inovative thinking on the subject. I know that my tent scenario is for small numbers of plants, but early in the season it can easily apply to "Trays full of seedlings" if you're trying to harden them off.

Take care.
Owner & Sole Operator Of
The Muddy Bucket Farm
and Tomato Ranch

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