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Old June 9, 2019   #17
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: SE PA
Posts: 964

Charlotte, eh. Funny world. A joke, I know, but just funny you picked Charlotte.

I broke scapes off a few days back. I left a few on, though. I never use them for much, and when I offer them to people they generally have never heard of them, so I have stopped trying. Then yesterday I was at the comm garden cutting up an apple tree when a group of people pulled up to look around the garden. Turns out two of them were up visiting from North Carolina, and had visited the garden a few years back. I talked to them for a bit, nice people. They said when they lived on the edge of Charlotte, the deer would destroy their okra in one night.

She looked like she knew her way around the kitchen, so when they were getting ready to leave I asked if they were doing any home cooking while they were up here. I then offered them some scapes. The Southern couple was very appreciative; I don't think their PA relatives had ever heard of garlic scapes, so I guess they are learning now. I just wish I was there to try some too; I didn't think that part through!

"just leave a doggie bag at the garden gate before you head back to NC"
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