Thread: Garlic 2019
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Old June 17, 2019   #30
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That is beautiful, PH!!! Great job with the weed whacker - smart way to do it for the bulk drying too. What great drying racks!! Super setup.
I was wondering and meaning to ask you about the garlic you grew under cover. The garlic I have in the greenhouse is so far ahead of everything outdoors, the rounds are putting out scapes today, so I will definitely have a much earlier harvest time than the outdoor.

Sorry the Chesnok didn't work out for you. Persian Star is the same type (Purple Stripe) and same mo - later, smaller plants, hard to get the bulbs to size up, many cloves but the smaller cloves are not worth planting, for sure they are giving you a smaller bulb. I thought you would get bigger bulbs for being in a warm climate though. Will be interested to hear about the later harvest, and I hope they pleasantly surprise you.
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