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Old September 12, 2019   #6
Rajun Gardener
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Thanks for those links!! I looked at the cheaper trees and almost bought some but I'm holding off for now.

I stopped by a different store today and they had tree ripened pluots both yellow and red in the cooler section so I bought some more to try. I asked the produce guy about marking down the old fruit and he went through the box and sold me 6 of them for $2. SCORE!!! Since they've been in the cooler already it'll save time starting them.

The yellow pluot was totally different than the red. The flesh was firm like a ripe pear and it wasn't nearly as sweet or juicy as the red one but it had good flavor. It was totally ripe and soft but still firm. I'm guessing it leans more to the apricot side of the gene pool, I can't say because I haven't eaten a fresh apricot.

So the fun begins, I'll have about a dozen seeds to play with if I don't smash them cracking the pit.
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