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Old September 21, 2019   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Back in da U.P.
Posts: 1,846
Default it was a good year

we had a good harvest of potatoes, more than i expected. one reason is that i didn't do
a thorough job of harvesting potatoes last year. i ended up with potato plants coming up
in many places in the garden. if they weren't too in the way i let them grow. as a result,
i have several pounds of fingerlings, some that got pretty long. also an assortment of reds, russets, and white potatoes. in one part of the garden that was left fallow for a couple years, some potatoes managed to survive for three years on their own, i got about 15 to 20 lbs out of that area.

i got some good varieties from a local source, who loves to save seed. she gave me ama rosa, a pretty potato that is red inside, and out, pinto, with a red and tan colored skin that seems to do very well here. i have a couple purple varieties from her. not sure of the names yet. one appears to be a fingerling type potato. i cooked that one this evening. it is really, really, purple inside, and out. starchy with good flavor, a real eye catcher. this one will be back next year.

i also had a modest harvest from my seed grown potato plants. i got maybe a couple lbs of small tubers, mostly purple, and also a few reds, and small white potatoes. i'll plant some of those next year.

thats it from here

don't abort. we'll adopt.
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