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Old September 28, 2019   #28
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Location: Augusta area, Georgia, 8a/7b
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Default Real Shady Business

So... the turnips. Yesterday morning I lifted the newspapers on the turnips. Gah! They were up about an inch or a tad more and pretty leggy! That was two days after covering them. I should have checked the next day since they had already been in the ground two days.

Hmmm, will the leggies survive especially in the heat? 96 again today and the same until Friday, no rain in sight. Maybe some shade would help. I thought about it last night and decided to try it this morning. I didn't want to cut up a new piece of row cover but remembered I had some of those Magic Door mesh panels in the shed. They're about 6' long and 18" wide and have come in handy before for various projects. The advantages of being a garden pack rat.

I ran some baling twine the length of the bed and draped the panels over the line to make a very long and narrow "pup tent".

Because it still sagged in spots I had to add a few pipes with tennis balls on top down the line for support. Then I laid the 2x2's along each side of the panels to anchor down the sides on the tent.

Here's the final configuration. Like I've said before, you make it up as you go along.

I need to thin the seedlings with scissors. No sense in them getting leggier trying to outdo each other! In fact, I'll do that tomorrow morning.
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