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Old December 3, 2019   #5
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Originally Posted by GoDawgs View Post
Well, the debris clean up didn't happen yesterday. The first leaves have been coming down but have been wet with the occasional rain shower. Yesterday they were finally dry enough that the leaf bagger on the mower could hoover them up so with rain coming in later today, I decided to do that. It's a nice start to remaking the garden mulch pile.

This pile is maybe a quarter of the size it will be with another same sized pile up behind the house. In fact, I need some of it for mulch right now.The good news is that most of the leaves are still up in the trees so there will be plenty to gather.

We just cut the second broccoli head two days ago but #3 and #4 are about ready!

The turnips are coming along. This is the old Purple Top on the left and on the right that unknown Korean turnip seed I bought at the Korean grocery. The Korean ones are developing a bit of a purple tint on the leaves. I think they're also smaller since they were seeded about 2 weeks after the Purple Tops. Trying to avoid a turnip avalanche!

The cabbages are doing great this fall. On the left, the first four are 'Stonehead' with three 'Premium Late Flat Dutch behind them'. On the right are four 'Charleston Wakefield' with three 'Red Acre' behind them I've never done the Dutch or Red Acre before.

Today I cut the first Stonehead and it weighed just a tad over 3 lbs. Pickles is going to make kimchi with it.

And finally, last spring I read an article on planting potatoes in the fall. The idea was that they'll just sit down there growing roots all winter so that when it warms up in spring, they'll pop up earlier than spring planted ones and produce more. OK, I'll play. A month ago I stuck three potatoes in the ground; two Yukons and one Red Pontiac. Today I noticed that they're coming up.

I guess I'll just have to start hilling them and hoping that as it gets colder they'll slow down and go to sleep for the rest of the winter!
I'm interested in the potatoes. Does it freeze in winter? I know nothing about the Augusta area, just that there is a golf tournament that I watch every year.
PS.: I like everything you grow in the autumn.
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