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Old December 4, 2019   #8
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Cabbage worms have been plentiful this fall here. I keep the Dipel on them and no problem but they did eat a bit on my new seedlings of cabbage and broccoli as soon as they were out of the greenhouse and hardening off outdoors. I also have to keep some blood meal on my new plants to stop the squirrels from eating the new growth tips out of them.

I planted two dozen new Arcadia broccoli plants today and will plant some more Gypsy tomorrow. I also have about a hundred lettuce plants along with some more cabbage plants. My onions are doing good in the pots of DE but I may have a problem with them as my germination was so much better than usual so they are really crowded. My carrots are coming up and the earliest planted ones are about two inches tall while the last batch I planted are just starting to appear. My nest onions are growing and I may plant more since I have a net onion bag full of the little bulbs.

I only have eight Brussels sprouts planted due to poor germination back in July and August when I started the seeds. I am growing Hestia variety since they have done the best the past few years for me. They are really tricky to grow down this far south but if you can start them in late summer you have a chance to have some really good production starting in late February or early March until it gets too hot.

I also thinned my mustard greens really well and got a five gallon bucket packed with tender small greens that were wonderful with some ham, sweet potatoes, onion and fried cornbread. Now the ones left have room to grow and in just a few days they have really jumped. I also planted another small patch of mustard and turnips bout 10 days ago and they are up and starting to grow.

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