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Old January 7, 2020   #537
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I've posted just once to this thread. It was last year and I mentioned the torrid heat spell and how the tomatoes seemed to be a bit better with shade rigged up. Well, I now realize that this is not the "large tomato thread" as in a very large thread about tomatoes with over 114,000 views and over 500 responses. It is the *large tomato* thread as in megablooms making megamonster tomatoes! Geez, I feel stupid!

So, after just finishing reading all 36 pages, I am in awe at the stuff you people are growing and I will be following your progress this year. With bacterial wilt and nematodes in the soil here I have to do my tomatoes in large buckets so I won't be competing. But I sure as heck can put the knowledge gained here to use to help maximize what I do grow if the heat this year keeps it down to a dull roar. High night time temps are also not a help.

Biscuit, congratulations on your new record! And best of luck to all who are trying to catch him this year.
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