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Old January 13, 2020   #93
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Originally Posted by GoDawgs View Post
Today I pulled the first four spent cauliflower plants. Good news! The roots were clean as a whistle with no evidence of nematodes at all. It could be the result of a multitude of things. Maybe a bunch of them starved. Corn was there this past spring and nematodes don't mess with it, Fall '18 the bed was fallow, and cukes grew successfully there Spring 18 following a fallow Fall '17.

Still, I've read that brassicas are nematode supressors so that could be part of it too. Too many variables! Regardless, today I followed advice in that article and chopped up the leaves and stems of the cauliflower plants, turned them under and then mulched over the top with leaves. The incoming rain will water them in.

There will be peas going in there mid February.

Notice the cauliflower plants in the other side of the bed. They are very small compared to the first four big ones (about a third or quarter of the size) although they are still heading up. The big ones I just dug were planted out Sep 18 while the second four went out Oct 11. It very well could be that getting them in just three weeks later set them back some. It will be interesting to see how big the second set of heads get.
I have never seen any nematode damage on any brassica in all my years of gardening in my heavily RKN infested soil. They don't bother onions, garlic or hot peppers either but most other vegetables are vulnerable.

My second planting is doing the same thing but it isn't that unexpected with the temps we have had since late fall. Dawg if you are having the same type weather we are having then it is like spring down here and that will cause early heading of both broccoli and cauliflower. I can't believe how warm it has been this fall and winter. So far we have only had four nights that got below freezing and that is not good for these type of plants. I just set out more broccoli and cauliflower for my last planting and hopes of more normal weather coming in about a week we will be seeing 30s at night again. I may even have to cover my hoops within a week or so.

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