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Old March 12, 2020   #4
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My peas are doing great and are about 15 inches tall and even a few have a bloom or two on them. They are the frost proof pea called Willet Wonder and I love growing them because unless you have a terrible freeze they can get burned by most freezes and just start growing again. They do need a good tall fence to support them because if not they will just make a big wadded mess full of aphids and mildew with fairly low production. I am using that cheap orange safety fencing stretched between some conduit so I have a 4 ft fence to give them support. I hope it works because this is the first time I have tried using it; but it sure is easier to put up than wire fencing. I find growing them a little more predictable because I don't have to try to guess the correct time to plant them. I just put them in the ground any time from mid December through February and they usually produce fairly well if the mildew and aphids aren't too bad.

I have been pulling carrots for about a month and my first planting is mostly ready now and my second planting is only a few weeks from being ready to pull. I don't plant carrots this late because even though they make the sugar content seems so much lower when they form in the hot weather of April and May. I grow a variety called Sugar Snax and they usually survive through the winters moderate freezes down here but I sometimes lose some to real bone chillers when they hit.

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