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Old October 1, 2007   #8
Tom Wagner
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detailed "from TPS to Harvest" thread by Tom
I need to do a bang up job on this, limiting my proFUNities to a minimum. I'll have to edit this with some re-writes for clarity.

..found three berries in my little Yukon Gold patch. Now I know what to do with them. Kind of.

If you grow out the transplants, starting them indoors early like you would tomato seeds, can you get decent sized eating potatoes by fall, or would they only have time to grow to the size of small seed potatoes for planting the following year?
Either way.. I prefer to start my potato seed 4 to 6 weeks prior to field transplanting after all danger of frost has passed. That way you have a good chance of having full sized tubers. Sowing potato seed between Aug 10 and Oct 15, is a good way to grow slightly stunted potato plants that will produce tiny tubers from the size of peas to walnuts.

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