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Old May 26, 2020   #6
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I've always ripped them out, when they germinate in a bed, for reasons already stated (control, unknown ID..) and also 1) because I usually have enough plants not to bother, 2) by the time they germinate outside, they're too small and behind for my growing area.

This year was a bit different. When I started my seeds in March, I must have reused some peat pucks or seed mix of "duds" from last year. To my surprise, I got 4 seedlings from that batch, and they quickly outgrew the newly planted seeds. I kept them, they started flowering in the basement, and I ended up planting them first, one in each corner of a large bed. I know they're not cherries, I never grow those. They can only be from one of my favorites, and I'm looking forward to the surprises they'll give me. I'm growing around 50 plants this year, so I have plenty of known types for saving seed, and not much risk in the experiment. Most of what I grow ends up as sauce.
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