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Old October 3, 2007   #24
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Vaasa, Finland, latitude N 63°
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You seem to have plenty of reasons to name your variety Nordic October. Maybe it would also grow well in the Nordic countries, if it ever lands there. Early October is also a good for potato harvesting over there, even my mother-in-law had already insisted that their potatoes to be dug up in mid September this year. Then she complained that the skins were still too thin... Well I do not complain, because we missed the harvesting by a week, when we visited there in end of September .

Thank you for sharing the TPS collection method. It is a lot of work compared to saving some of the spuds every spring for planting. I was hoping to get some Peruvian Purple potato berries from our garden, where they grew "wild" from last year's tiny tubers. There were already tiny berries forming on the plants, but something has eaten them. Today I found a hornworm munching potato leaves, so they may be the culprits.
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