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Old August 20, 2020   #3
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Fort Lauderdale, FL
Posts: 773

Like growing tomatoes and most all my veggies, I learned from grandpa. He also grew sorghum to make sorghum syrup and to keep the seeds for next years crop. The birds of all kinds love the grain seed heads as in most bird feed as well. U wait until the stalks are plump and full of sugar and boil the long stalks of sorghum to make the syrup. It's less sweet than sugar cane syrup or molasses. As far as sorghum sudan, it's a tall grass that is planted as cover crop to add nitrogen back into your field. Some cut it twice or mow it before it goes to seed. Some farmers don't let it go to seed and use it for fodder. I plant the sorghum sudan grass as well called Piper Sudan Grass. I also grow Pearl Millet for the birds as well.
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