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Old October 2, 2020   #22
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: Omaha Zone 5
Posts: 2,514

Glad to hear the enabler is healthy and ready to start afresh and see some old and new friends on this thread. I have huge pink beans hanging off the vine still ! I crammed 3 varieties 2 each I think in a 2 foot wide raised bed so I am sure they are all fabulous. Are these soup beans ? Never grew a hard bean before.

My garden has gone to ^G#T% due to a crazy work summer. I had incredible production due to the heat and everything grew together twice normal size.I have greenies left hanging on the vines even though it got to 33 last night. Back up to the upper 80's next week so I should be able to grab some for seed. Really enjoyed the season when I could venture outside and I hope the buried tags are legible!

I'll be un/under employed, retired, or a part timer remotely so will have time to do a proper garden layout next year.

Glad I checked in. Will be lurking for a bit longer until work completes.

- Lisa
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