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Old February 5, 2021   #375
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brownville, Ne
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A friend in my area grew hydroponic greenhouse tomatoes for a time. After several years he quit mostly because it was a money losing effort. Besides the profit issue he had whitefly problems.

None of his outdoor tomatoes had whitefly infestations despite being a short distance away from the greenhouses. I live 30 miles north of his gardens and greenhouses and have never had a whitefly.

Is it because even though we have hot and humid summers (although not like the southeast) followed by cold winter months which kill off the whiteflies? Most of the nasty diseases and insect pests are not prevalent here like in the southern states. Maybe the problems are killed off by our winters before they become issues.

But then why would Wyoming have the problems we do not see?
there's two things money can't buy; true love and home grown tomatoes.
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