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Old March 5, 2021   #18
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Originally Posted by aclum View Post
Thanks for the responses!
Actually my non dwarf favorite list has many of the ones you enjoy.

I have tried all the dwarfs mentioned in this thread + maybe 2 to 3 dozen more. Before the 2020 releases, I know I had tried more than half of the tomatoes from the DTP.

I will say that once you try most of them, many of them have overlapping or at least nonmemorable tastes. Many exist to fill a particular niche for size, shape, coloration, etc...

I tend to prefer bold sweet tomatoes in purple, pinks and reds or subtly sweet in the yellows, whites. I remember comparing notes with Craig on this a couple years back, and he's of similar preference.

For blacks, hands down Wild Fred. Tried purple heart, boronia, bradyfred, tastywine, rosella purple, rosella crimson, tas chocolate, velvet night, B. rumball, Kookaburra Cackle, Kangaroo Brown, etc... etc.. WF still beats them all.
KBX - loxton lad is pretty good. I still prefer Blazing Beauty or Summer Sunrise. Orange cream is good for a more subtle sweet taste.
Bi-color Russian Swirl for me, better than 'Wherokowhai
Green - Emerald Giant or maybe Jade Beauty
Yellows - Sweet Sue and Summer Sunrise (S. Sue is bold strong, Summer Sunrise is more subtle sweet but still intense), Mr. Snow to a lesser extent
Red - Sweet Scarlet

There are a lot of stellar looking bi-colors - confetti, caitydid, firebird, A. Festival, metallica, etc.. These are good tomatoes, but imo, they aren't absolute standouts. Other than appearance, they aren't memorable to me.

Actually, after trying 50+ (i've lost count at this point) of the dwarf tomato project releases, I have to say that there are more "winners" as far as taste goes in the earlier releases than the latter ones. For whatever reason, the Sneezy and Tipsy lines in particular seems to have the greatest concentration of "winners" if you're judging solely by taste and taste alone.

Last edited by Scooty; March 5, 2021 at 10:03 PM.
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