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Old March 15, 2021   #16
b54red's Avatar
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I often grow more than one variety of cucumbers each season and have found here in the very hot conditions that Sweet Success is almost always the top producer and usually one of the top two in taste. I have found others that taste great and perform well most years but not up to the standard that Sweet Success has demonstrated over a long period of time. This will be my first year in decades to only plant one variety of slicer so if Sweet Success is going to have a terrible year this should be the year.

Since we live in a hot humid climate I have found a few basic tricks that help make it through the season with generally good production. One is to use a tall fence for the plants to climb on. Also use a very thick mulch to maintain good moisture in the soil. I like to add some good organic matter when available fertilize the plants regularly with a liquid fertilizer every week or so once they start forming cucumbers. Do not set them out in the garden until the nights are regularly above 50 degrees as cold nights can really stunt their growth and delay production much more than waiting for warmer nights.

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