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Old April 14, 2021   #2
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Merced, CA
Posts: 832

Hi deep roots,

Are you Matt Garver (of Kratky fame ) or do you just follow the method shown in the video?

If you're Matt, I want to let you know I'm a fan (at least in regards to Kratky), and would like to know if you've ever grown any of the Dwarf Project varieties in Kratky. If you have, what varieties have you grown and what was the size of your container/reservoir? I know a lot of kratky people grow the micro dwarfs or "conventional" dwarfs, but don't recall reading anything re: the DP varieties.

If you're not Matt - never mind .........

Just kidding . Anyone who has who has grown the DP dwarfs in Kratky is welcome to respond )

I'm doing Dwarf Tomato Project dwarfs in ground, but have Kratky set-ups for my eggplants and peppers. I have lots of extra dwarfs and was thinking of trying one in Kratky using 2 or 3 connected 20 gallons trash cans (for the equivalent of about a 35 or 55 gallon container) . Any opinions or experiences you can share?

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