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Old May 24, 2021   #11
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Zone 6 - CT
Posts: 153

For some reason, I have issues every year with carrots and beets and tend to have to reseed. This year, I have not even started them, might today.

In my garden I have planted these that I started indoors, * marks new to me this year:

Tomatoes: Sunsugar, Black*, Cherokee Carbon, Paul Robeson, Kellogg's Breakfast, Start F1 *, Buffalosteak, NAR, Dexter *, Kosovo, San Marzano Gigante * and an Italian paste tomato that came from seeds from Italy passed down through a friend's family - no idea on its name.
- I have small tomatoes growing on Buffalosteak, Start F1 and of course, Sunsugar. All are flowering.

Zucchini: Burpee's Best, Cash Machine and Emerald Delight.
- small fruit started on last two, BB is flowering

Yellow Squash: Slik Pik, Saffron and Cube of Butter
- small fruit started on Slik Pik, all flowering

Eggplant: Ping Tung Lung and Traviata *
- Traviata is flowering

Bell Pepper: Chinese Giant, Delerio *, Big Red *
- Delerio has fruit started, others are flowering

Jalapeno: Early, Primo *, Big Guy
- Early has fruit started, others are flowering

Lettuces are all up, growing like mad and and we're harvesting.

From seed, no sign of yet...

Pole Beans: Monte Gusto, Carminat and Fortex

Cucumber: General Lee
- I overdid the cucumbers these last few years and am set for a while for pickles so am only growing 2 slicers

Pok Choi
- I try varieties every few years but most are a bust, do love it if it ever grows

New to the garden this year are asparagus roots that I most likely won't get to sample. I thought they might have gotten hurt by some cold temps, but I see life, doesn't look like it will turn into anything edible since it's thin and wispy, but I have absolutely no idea what to expect to arise from the roots so it may surprise me.

I also added 6 rhubarb plants, 2 inside and 4 outside my garden. I didn't have space for the 6 so will see if the reports that deer won't eat them is true.

Last edited by CrazyAboutOrchids; May 24, 2021 at 09:13 AM.
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