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Old June 8, 2021   #11
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Romania/Germany , z 4-6
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Originally Posted by Milan HP View Post
A strange thing happens to me, quite regularly. I grow tomatoes at home over the winter. Which means the conditions (especially light) are not optimal. And I get what I call "token" flower buds. They appear quite early but don't develop for months to follow. And when I put the plants out on the balcony and the weather is favorable, the plants start developing them into full fruits. The fruits aren't usually the biggest ones, but a decent size anyway.
My conclusion is that Mother Nature has given all living organisms a sort of "limitation awareness" Even my favorite plants.
Milan HP
This is a common thing, I've seen it often, although less in open air gardens. When the plant is to vegetative at first, and the fruit reactivates so to say, sometimes after months. It's no wonder the professional growers insist so much on this generative/vegetative balance, it is the way to get a good continuous production which will ultimately get the highest total yield. It's not really possible imo to keep this balance without clima control.
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