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Old July 28, 2021   #7
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Central MN, USDA Zone 3
Posts: 299

Bumping an old thread.

I grew exactly one seedling from Campari this year, knowing that F2's often exhibit similar traits to mom.

What I got was a fairly typical cluster tomatoe generally delivering 3-8 tomatoes in a "tress". Indeterminate, regular leaf, but not a rampant plant: perhaps similar to Bloody Butcher in size, but closer to the "open, spare" habit of Stupice/Kotlas. Fruit ripens about 5 days after those.

Flavor is as Campari from the grocery store: good, and marvelous in February...but not really much better than the other earlies grown at home.

Mine is growing in a plastic bushel basket, about 7 or 8 gallons, on our deck.

The leaves framing the pic are soup celery to the right and Bloody Butcher, left.

I have not decided if I want to save seeds and dehybridize; not enough better than several that process is already done with. I'm sure somebody has, by now. I can buy more Campari's and germinate an F2 easily, too

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a day without fresh homegrown tomatoes is like... ...sigh

Last edited by eyolf; July 28, 2021 at 10:05 AM.
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