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Old August 1, 2021   #2
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A photo may help to get some extra opinions. Anthracnose is a fungus and does come from soil borne pathogens. To help prevent getting in the first place it is wise to mulch around all plants to discourage soil splash onto the leaves and stems. Allowing good air flow by caging plants is a good idea. For mulch I use a couple layers of newspaper on the ground and adding about 6 inches of straw on top of that. Some use landscape fabric or plastic or even a thick layer of grass clippings.

When removing the diseased plant, pull the whole thing up root and all and discard to the trash. Remove all leaves, fruit and roots. The pathogen is already in the soil so no more or less will be there when you pull the plant. Just be sure none of the affected plant touches healthy ones.

Lawn to the edge of the plants is like mulch, but still soil will splash onto the plants. Overhead watering will also make fungal disease worse. Applying fungicides will help delay the disease. There are several that work.
there's two things money can't buy; true love and home grown tomatoes.
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