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Old October 19, 2021   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Default gigandes lima bean

at some time in the past, i received five seeds of gigandes lima bean. i never grew limas before,
so finally decided what the heck, give it a try. i planted four seeds in a cell pack, and had one sprout. i planted it out in the garden, and it grew fine. big seed pods had one
or two beans each. the one plant only produced 13 seeds. pole beans had a rough time of it this year in the garden. it was a warm dry summer. i don't know what normal
production is for this type of bean. maybe production would have been better with more than one plant growing. not having grown it before, i don't have anything to compare it to. i grew it mostly to see if i could.

any idea what normal production i can expect if i decide to grow gigandes again?

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