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Old January 21, 2022   #16
Join Date: Aug 2021
Location: Coastal CT, zone 7a
Posts: 165

Originally Posted by R2rusmc View Post
I’d be fine and patient if his page reflected my order as paid and if I received a receipt for my order. Those two things should be an automatic occurrence with his e-commerce program.
I had an issue with a seed company located on Long Island, which never delivered any of the seeds I ordered early last year, and did not respond to multiple emails/phone calls over at least six months. I even looked up the phone number of their grower and called her to try and find out what was going on, to no avail. Given the pandemic and all, I have tried to be patient with slower responses, especially from small businesses (which I do try to support), but this situation had gotten beyond acceptable. Now I am in the process of getting my bank to refund my payment.

Anyway, I learned during this process that a seller has several months (I think actually an entire year) to actually collect the payment even if Paypal shows a status of "paid". So there can be a discrepancy between what Paypal shows and the actual status with the seller--it's not, apparently, an "automatic occurrence".

I have had multiple positive experiences with Renaissance Farms, compared to the poor experience with the LI-based company. That's a customer sample of n=1, for what that's worth, but I certainly plan to buy again from Renaissance Farms. The LI-based company has lost my business, unfortunately.
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