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Old January 27, 2022   #2
PaulF's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brownville, Ne
Posts: 3,289

I do keep a journal and have for about twenty years. Mine is actually old school. School notebooks is what I use and list each year's list of crops from long list to actual planted lists. For tomatoes the germination results are the beginning along with planting dates, weather, garden map and a section for harvest results for each variety...both number of fruits and each weight. Yes, I am anal but actually enjoy the process.

I do log important stuff like disease problems, soil conditions, spacing, bloom dates, plant heights and first harvest dates. The entries do slow down the later it gets in the season. Total harvest numbers at the end of the year and averages help with choosing the next year's decisions.

It most likely would be good to work a spreadsheet, but I keep the journal outside during the gardening season and it is easier for me to write it all down. I could transfer it to the computer later but by then I am ready for garden and myself to take a rest and recharge. I am now up to six notebooks full of information. I do a summary every so often to compare and keep track of trends. Beginning about February, all the notebooks come out and decision time for the next year gets finalized. In March it all starts over again.
there's two things money can't buy; true love and home grown tomatoes.
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