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Old February 8, 2022   #19
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Madison, OH, zone 6
Posts: 469

Originally Posted by T0mat0stevek View Post
I have a couple questions about how you use master blend mix.
How often does a tomato plant receive a feeding of the master blend mix?
What is the volume of master blend mix applied to a plant at each feeding?
Thanks, Steve
Hi Steve

Most of what I know about using MB I either learned from AKmark or the literature he suggested I get and read. I've only been using it for 5 yrs. But here are some answers for you.
The tomato plants receive a feeding of the MB mix EVERY TIME YOU WATER THEM. How often you water them depends on the container and the mix you are using to grow them in. Also the weather conditions as well as their environment (greenhouse or outdoors). Maintaining an even moisture level of the container mix is important. The concentration strength of the MB mix increases as the plants grow and mature. I start out with half strength concentration after I transplant to pots. Then after I put them into their grow bags I slowly increase the fertilizer strength as the plants mature. By the peak of the season the fertilizer strength is about 2.3 EC (electrical conductivity) or approx. 1700 PPM (parts per million) as measured with a nutrient meter. I mix my nutrient mix in a plastic 55 gal. drum and check each mix for PH and nutrient strength. Then water the grow bags with it. In the warmer months (July & august) I have to water the containers twice per day due to the sun and heat drying out the bags. So the volume of the MB mix applied to the plants at each feeding starts out low for young plants and steadily increases for mature plants.

Hope I answered your questions.
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