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Old August 26, 2022   #32
Join Date: May 2013
Location: wisconsin
Posts: 135

Originally Posted by Barb_FL View Post
Happy to hear that you had a good season. But, what makes your season done already? Living in Florida, my season is done when the nights get too warm and I can't stand going outside to take care of my plants. Also when it gets hot, I see more of the black leaf footed bugs around the plants.

In colder climates, season is usually done because weather gets too cold or frost.

My season is starting soon. I've been doing some test germination of old seeds already using the paper towel method.
My season seems to end when the weather varies too much from day to night. It's 80s during the day and cold (50s) and damp at night. My plants just seem to die off. It's peppers, too. I tried switching to a 0/10/10 fertilizer this year, to promote flower/fruit growth. It didn't seem to make any difference. I don't need any more tomatoes. I already have used up all available freezer space and still have about 50 large tomatoes ripening.

Next year, I want to try several Karen Oliver varieties.

Last edited by Balr14; August 26, 2022 at 11:53 PM.
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