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Old February 24, 2023   #25
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Brownville, Ne
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My very first heirloom seed purchase was from Chuck Wyatt. I even called him and was able to talk to Chuck about some choices for a beginning heirloom tomato grower. Even after all these years I still have some of those initial varieties in my seed inventory. Not the original seeds but a couple of generations removed by saving seeds.

After growing boy, girls, betters and bests for twenty years, Chuck gave me a list of good tomatoes to try: Black Krim, Caspian Pink, Cherokee Purple, Amish Purple, Old Flame and Abe Lincoln and because there was only room for six plants one of the others suggested, Lynnwood, was not planted. After that first year I changed gardening spaces and grew several of the tomatoes Chuck Wyatt was famous for. But Lynnwood never made it for some unknown reason

Now after 25 years and more than 500 different varieties (maybe even more) it is time to add Lynwood to the list. Thanks Darrell.
there's two things money can't buy; true love and home grown tomatoes.
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