Thread: Kozulas
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Old March 12, 2023   #15
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@KarenO- I think my favorites so far are Kozula 136 (unreal production with lovely bi colored fruit),Kozula 25 and last year's 186. How could I choose just one?

@Barb_FL thanks about my pics. The first set of pics was from 2021, and the second set was last year. I am trying to fit in 4-5 each season.

@Andrey_BY I grew K179 last year but didn't get great results, most probably because it had a terrible garden position. I didn't feel fruit was representative so I didn't photograph it. I hope you will post your results with a pic. I don't know how much you know about this one but after lots of Kozula research, here are my notes from as many sources as I could find-if they could help you.

KOZULA 179-Zebra Zolta -(yellow zebra ) Mid Ind RL tall 7-11 oz Large striped yellow-orange fruits more often green, weigh about 300-500 gr. Beefsteak type, round fruits with slightly flattened and ribbed and rounded shoulders. Flesh greenish-yellow with greenish gel. Mild flavor with a touch of acidity. full flavored fleshy fruity aftertaste, a bush with quite little foliage, RL leaves, had little fruit, but large ones - each around 500 grams and more. The fruit is quite hard, fleshy, strongly yellow in color and green jelly.

@kenny_j-glad to hear you are growing K25. Seeds were most likely from me. It was a good tomato. Brightly flavored, but not at all like Sungold which I think just is not duplicatable. I had really good production with this one too, and loved the colors at the cut.
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