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Old June 23, 2023   #2
b54red's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Congratulations on successfully grafting. As you do it more often it will become easier until like me you reach an age where shaky hands and arthritis can really be negative factors in your success rate. I looked at the YouTube video and that is how I started out grafting. I had to change to using the DE in my pots because of soil born damping off problems and I quit using skewers due to the mold that would accumulate on them during the healing process. I liked the skewers because they kept the plants from wilting over too much and separating the graft but in our moldy air it is too messy.

I grafted about 150 plants this year and planted out about 75 and shared the rest with friends and relatives who needed a way to grow good tasting varieties down here in soil disease heaven. The grafts are no ironclad guarantee that all soil diseases will be gone but they have been very rare for me since I settled on NE Seeds RST-04-106-T. Knock on wood but so far since using this rootstock I have not suffered a plant dying of Bacterial Wilt which used to be devastating when we had a lot of rain. I will still have one or two plants develop fusarium wilt each year but they usually live a long time whereas the non-grafted plants that get fusarium usually don't last very long at all once the hot weather gets here.

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